

The dependencies are automatically installed when running the script.

They can also be installed later with the same script and the -d option:

  • Dependencies for the default plugins:

    ./ -d

  • Dependencies for all the plugins:

    ./ -a -d

If you want to use the script, refer to one of the following tutorials:

Otherwise, the following section lists all the required packages for different systems.


Tranalyzer2 requires the following tools and libraries:

  • Kali/Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libbsd-dev libpcap-dev libreadline-dev libtool make meson zlib1g-dev

  • Arch/Manjaro:

    sudo pacman -S autoconf autoconf-archive automake bash-completion gcc libpcap libtool make meson pkgconf zlib

  • CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat (If the dnf command could not be found, try with yum instead):

    sudo dnf install automake bzip2 libbsd-devel libpcap-devel libtool meson readline-devel zlib-devel

  • Gentoo:

    sudo emerge autoconf autoconf-archive automake bash-completion libpcap libtool meson zlib

  • openSUSE:

    sudo zypper install autoconf autoconf-archive automake gcc libbsd-devel libpcap-devel libtool meson readline-devel zlib-devel

  • macOS (Brew is a packet manager for macOS):

    brew install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libpcap libtool meson readline zlib

Note that meson is optional, but recommended as it is much faster than the autotools (autoconf, automake, …).